Dave Weld: Burnin Blues Flame

Chicagoan guitarist Dave Weld talks about JB Hutto, Abb Locke and his experience on the road with the blues

Blues guitarist, vocalist, songwriter and bandleader Dave Weld born in Chicago in 1952. Dave was first influenced as a child when he found an old Victrola in the basement and wore out the blues 78’s. Dave found out the West side of Chicago in the black hood was friendlier than the North side, and started sitting in at clubs and landed a gig with Hound Dog Taylor’s band, Brewer Phillips, Ted Harvey, at Sweet Peas on 43rd St. Weld played with them for a year. During that first year, there were shake dancers and fistfights. The gig ended when Brewer was stabbed in the throat by his wife, but they reconciled. Weld then moved on to the 1815 Club on W. Roosevelt, which was owned and operated by Eddie Shaw who had Howlin Wolf’s band.


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